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Comprehensive Approach

Kent's comprehensive approach to commercial real estate consulting includes establishing your real estate criteria, surveying the market, analyzing select properties and negotiating the lease at your direction.

Make Informed Decisions

Whether your business or organization is planning to relocate or to renew your existing lease, Kent can provide you with the market research necessary to make an informed decision. His comprehensive approach to commercial real estate consulting includes establishing your real estate criteria, surveying the market, analyzing select properties further, and negotiating the lease at your direction.


Establishing Criteria

Kent will help your business establish its real estate criteria by:

  • Understanding your day-to-day operations and particular requirements

  • Suggesting factors to consider in determining criteria

    • such as client and customer convenience

    • access to skilled employees and services

    • proximity to public transit for location criteria

  • Considering current real estate requirements

  • Recognizing your business' budget throughout the leasing process

  • Identifying the location, property, space, and economic criteria with you

Surveying the Market

Kent will conduct thorough market research:

  • Identifying all properties that satisfy your criteria, including off market properties

  • Comparing these properties in a Market Survey report, which will include the necessary information to select properties for further analysis

  • Adjusting both operating costs and tenant improvement costs across properties to account for varying levels of service and landlord standard improvements

  • Maintain your business' anonymity by requesting information on an undisclosed basis

    • Reducing media, union, and political exposure

    • Possibly reducing competition from other potential tenants

    • Allowing you to consider other locations before informing your current landlord

  • Creating strategies to satisfy your real estate criteria, in addition to standard solutions


Analyzing Select Properties

Kent will provide analysis of your selected properties by: 

  • Arranging appointments to view the properties

  • Viewing the properties with you

  • Obtaining detailed site and building information for your review 

  • Discussing the history and other potential issues of each landlord and property when known

  • Preparing a detailed Lease Cost Analysis for each shortlisted premises

    • calculate the total estimated cash flow for each year based on net rent

    • estimated full service operating costs and taxes

    • parking costs

    • any tenant inducements, such as free rent, gross free rent, free fixturing period, or improvement allowance.* 

Financial, technical and economic data and subjective criteria will allow the most suitable premises to be chosen as well as alternatives.


*A Lease Cost Analysis is based on verbal information from the listing agent or Request for Proposal (RFP) responses; a RFP asks potential landlords to address specific terms for the premises, however, soliciting RFPs is contingent on market conditions.


Analyzing Proposal Responses

Kent will prepare detailed comparative reports from the RFP responses, including:

  • Summary of Technical Property Data

  • Economic Analysis

  • Comparison of Selected Properties

Based on this technical, economic, and subjective data, you will be able to compare and analyze each premise to choose the most suitable premise to lease and designate an alternative.


Negotiating the Terms and Conditions of Lease

Kent will assist you in securing your choice premise under favourable terms and conditions by:

  • Establishing a negotiating strategy with you.

  • Negotiating on your behalf at your direction.

  • Preparing the Offer to Lease and the Lease Agreement with tenant oriented language.

These commencement clauses demonstrate the benefit of tenant oriented language

With this standard commencement clause, the tenant would begin paying rent to the landlord on the Lease Commencement Date even if the landlord failed to complete the leasehold improvements and the tenant could not use the premises:


The term of the lease shall be for 5 years and commence on Lease Commencement Date.


With a tenant oriented commencement clause, the tenant would not pay rent until the landlord had completed all leasehold improvements and the tenant could occupy the premises:


The term of the lease shall be for 5 years and commence on the 1st day of the month following completion by the landlord of the leasehold improvements but not earlier than Lease Commencement Date.

Throughout the leasing process, Kent will offer recommendations in your business or organization’s best interest based on his experience. For more information about his approach to commercial real estate consulting, please contact Kent.

How a Commercial Real Estate Consultant can help you:

Choosing the right location is critical for your business and negotiating favourable leasing terms can be a significant cost saving. However, leasing commercial real estate is not an ongoing task for most businesses, so collecting the necessary information to make an informed decision would be an onerous task. As an experienced real estate consultant, Kent can present you with the information necessary to make an informed decision.

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